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Public Pharma for Europe

A diverse and open group, welcoming anyone who believes we can reimagine and transform the pharmaceutical sector

The Public Pharma for Europe Coalition is a collaboration of various networks, social movements, civil society organizations, academics, and activists, united in advocating for a pharmaceutical system that prioritizes people’s health over profit.

Currently, the pharmaceutical sector is largely controlled by large transnational corporations, commonly known as Big Pharma, which prioritizes profit at the expense of public health needs. This leads to a lack of innovation, exorbitant drug prices, shortages, the private appropriation of public resources, and deepening inequalities between the Global North and Global South.

We argue that there is an urgent need to strengthen public leadership and responsibility in the research, development, manufacturing, and distribution of health technologies. To achieve this, we advocate for and support public leadership and responsibility in establishing, continuing, and expanding public pharmaceutical infrastructures, policies, and governance mechanisms in Europe.


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